
CJI provides activities and lesson plans for teachers to use in the adult language learner classroom and beyond.

Activities in Alphabetical Order

“The world is constantly offering lessons about data — how data is being collected on you, how data is used or misused to make decisions that affect you, or how you as an individual or your community can use data to improve your well-being. There are limitless authentic on-ramps to help adult learners get excited about data literacy.”

Maricel Santos

“No, esto no es así. Este gráfico no representa lo que yo veo en mi comunidad. Me pregunto a quién le están haciendo estas encuestas porque a mi barrio no han venido.” 

["No, this is not so. This graph does not represent what I see in my community. I wonder who they are surveying because they haven't come to my neighborhood.”]


“Al examinar esta gráfica veo que there is an imbalance entre the people who live en el county y los representatives en política. Eso me hace sentir mucha rabia. ¿Cómo vamos a cambiar el sistema si los nuestros no llegan allá arriba?”

[Examining this graph I see that there is an imbalance between the people who live in the county and the political representatives. That makes me feel very angry. How are we going to change the system if our people don't get up there?]
